Test-tube burgers - coming soon to a restaurant near you?

A researcher from the Netherlands says he expects to grow the first-ever hamburger in a lab by this fall. The beef will made from bovine stem cells grown in a petri dish.

Dr. Mark Post, thestudyleader, said the ultimate goal is the mass produce the lab meat in order to cut back on cattle farming.

Personally, I have a few problems with this study. Yes, the beef will be made from stem cells, but don’t be confused: There is nothing natural about growing meat in the laboratory for human consumption.

With all the controversy on genetically altered food why in the world would we want to get into the business of creating hamburgers in a lab?

To me the whole concept of farming animals and crops is that the practice contributes to the natural process oflife. The more natural the process, the healthier it is, in my opinion.

Many of the medical crises we’re seeing in the world today are partly due to some of the unnatural ways we’re manufacturing food – from the chemicals to preserve the taste, to the hormones to increase the size of produce, to the pesticides to control production. At the end of the day, all of these factors are taking a toll on our society.

Now, I’m familiar with stem cell research, and I’m sure that Dr. Holt is creating very pure forms of muscle cells, but I believe the focus of stem cell regeneration should continue to be for the quest to eradicate humandiseases.

To take this promising medical technology and commercialize it in such a way to create a for-profit industry like making hamburger patties to stock your local grocery store is disrespectful to the thousands of scientists who have studied – and continue to study – the life-saving potential of stem cells.

But maybe I’m wrong – tell me what you think. Would you eat this burger?