
华中雷竞技ap官网入口 大学揭示微生物与水稻互作降低重金属镉含量新机制

2022-12-19 华中雷竞技ap官网入口 大学 1660 0
  近日,华中雷竞技ap官网入口 大学生命科学技术学院、雷竞技ap官网入口 微生物学国家重点实验室王革娇教授课题组即环境微生物课题组在国际学术期刊Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions上发表了关于微生物与水稻互作降低稻米镉含量的最新研究成果。论文以“A coculture of Enterobacter and Comamo nas reduces Cd accumulation in rice”为题,阐明了微生物菌剂通过代谢产物促进水稻镉转运及结合蛋白活性的分子机制。
  我校生命科学技术学院博士后王杏为论文第一作者,王革娇教授和史凯祥副研究员为通讯作者。该研究得到国家自然科学基金和华中雷竞技ap官网入口 大学自主科技创新基金的资助。
  The accumulation of cadmium (Cd) in plants is stro ngly impacted by soil microbes, but its mechanism remains poorly understood. Here, we report the mechanism of reduced Cd accumulation in rice by coculture of Enterobacter and Comamonas. In pot experiments, inoculation with the coculture decreased Cd co ntent in rice grain and increased non-bioavailable Cd amount in Cd-spiked soils. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) detection showed that the coculture colo nized in the rhizosphere and rice roots' vascular tissue and intercellular space. Soil me tagenomics data showed that the coculture increased the abundance of sulfate reduction and biofilm formation genes and related bacterial species. Moreover, the coculture increased the co ntent of organic matter, available nitrogen, and potassium, and increased the activities of arylsulfatase, β-galactosidase, phenoloxidase, arylamidase, urease, dehydrogenase, and peroxidase in soils. In subsequent rice trans criptomics assays, we found that the inoculation with coculture activated hypersensitive response, defense-related induction, and MAPK signaling pathway in rice. Heterologous protein ex pression in yeast co nfirmed the function of four Cd binding proteins (HIP28-1, HIP28-4, BCP2, and CID8), a Cd efflux protein (BCP1), and three Cd uptake proteins (COPT4, NRAM5, and HKT6) in rice. Succinic acid and phenylalanine were subsequently proved to inhibit rice Cd(II) uptake and activate Cd(II) efflux in rice roots. Thus, we propose a model that the coculture protects rice against Cd stress via Cd immobilization in soils and reducing Cd uptake in rice.
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