
华中雷竞技ap官网入口 大学在鱼类温度型性别分化领域取得进展

2022-06-13 华中雷竞技ap官网入口 大学 1006 0
  近日,华中雷竞技ap官网入口 大学鱼类遗传育种与繁育实验室沈志刚副教授团队研究成果以“High-temperature stress will put the thermo-sensitive teleost yellow catfish (Tachysurus fulvidraco) in danger through reducing reproductivity”为题在Ecotoxicology and Enviro nmental Safety发表。研究以黄颡鱼为研究对象,揭示了全球变暖背景下持续上升的高温环境,将通过削弱种群繁殖力,而对性别分化热敏鱼类的种群维持产生潜在威胁。
  华中雷竞技ap官网入口 大学硕士研究生于跃为论文的第一作者,沈志刚副教授为论文的通讯作者。本研究得到了中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金和湖北省自然科学基金的资助。
  Recently, co ncerns for species that sex differentiation is influenced by temperature in the co ntext of global warming have increased because disrupted operatio nal sex ratios could threaten population maintenance. In contrast, little attention has been given to the reproductive ability of populations that experienced elevated temperatures. In this study, we demo nstrated that high temperature (HT) would decrease population size via three different aspects of reproductive ability for the first time. We show that, in a thermo-sensitive teleost yellow catfish, a short period of HT (+3 ?C) exposure during the critical period of sex differentiation leads to a different percentage of masculinization of XX genotypic females (1–23%) in wet-lab and natural water bodies. Combining the results of go nadal appearance, histology, sperm parameters, and fertilization rate, we found that XX pseudo- males induced by HT display significantly discounted fertility and reproductive performance compared to XY normal males. We demo nstrate that the survival of the XY genotype is lower than XX genotype under enviro nmental stress, including HT, hypoxia, and parasite infection, and the differential survival seems unrelated to male-biased sexual size dimorphism. The mathematical model predicts that the phenotypic female percent will be stabilized at 50% and the population will be sustainably maintained when masculinizing force is less than 0.5, while HT will put the population in danger when the masculinizing force exceeds 0.5. However, when we combine the real-world data of reproductive ability and mathematic model, our results suggest the population size decreases and the long-term survival of the studied species are threatened under the projected pace of increasing temperature. These findings will be useful for understanding the long-term effects of increasing temperature on sex ratio, reproduction and population maintenance in teleost.
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