

2013-03-06 中国食品网 中食网 933 0


该种回收处理工艺的名称为"Holfeld Diamat",可分为三步。第一步将废弃材料加工成碎片,清洗干燥,接着与未经利用的碎片混合;第二步在反应器内将混合碎片做结晶处理;第三步真空脱气并挤压成薄片。


This scientific opinion of the EFSA Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids deals with the safety evaluation of the recycling process Holfeld Diamat (EC register number RECYC076) which is based on the Diamat ? technology. The input of the process is washed and dried PET flakes originating from collected post-consumer PET containers, mainly bottles, containing no more than 5 % of PET from non-food consumer applications. Through this process, post-consumer washed and dried PET flakes are mixed up to 50 % with virgin PET flakes before being heated in a crystallisation reactor (step 2) and extruded under vacuum into sheets (step 3)。

After having examined the challenge tests provided, the Panel concluded that the decontamination in the two consecutive extruders step 3 is the critical step for the decontamination efficiency of the process. The operating parameters to control its performance are well defined and are the temperature, the pressure and the residence time. The operating parameters of these steps in the process are at least as severe as those obtained from the challenge test. Under these conditions, it was demonstrated that the recycling process is able to ensure that the level of migration of potential unknown contaminants into food is below a conservatively modelled migration of 0.15 μg/kg food derived from the exposure scenario for toddlers.

Therefore, the recycled PET obtained from the process Holfeld Diamat intended for the manufacture of recycled thermoformed trays and containers made with up to 50 % recycled post-consumer PET and intended for contact for long term storage at room temperature with all types of foodstuffs except packaged water is not considered of safety concern.


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