

2012-10-30 中国食品网 中食网 498 0




In June 2011 the EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ) and the Panel on Contaminants in the food chain (CONTAM) published a scientific opinion about the scientific validity of the studies submitted by the FSA on the safety of burnt skin-on sheep meat. It was concluded that the hazard identification presented in the studies submitted by FSA did not cover all potential biological and chemical hazards and the studies were considered insufficient to conclude that the burnt fleece skin-on sheep carcasses were suitable for human consumption and provide the same safety level as conventionally produced skin-off carcasses. In June 2012 FSA requested EFSA to provide clarifications about this scientific opinion on a number of issues i) the effect of the process on vegetative microbiological pathogens, ii) the method of sampling for microbiological examination, iii) the increased risk from bacterial spores, iv) the adequacy of control treatments, v) the production standards of wool length and cleanliness of animals; and vi) dioxins, PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls), PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons), PAHs and heterocyclic amines. The intention of FSA is to produce a protocol for future studies based on the EFSA recommendations. The present scientific report contains the reply by EFSA to the requests received by FSA.

Firstly FSA requested for guidance about the evaluation of the effects of the process on vegetative pathogens. EFSA replies that, in order to assess the product safety, the hazard profile and the food safety goals should be defined and a setting of pathogen-related targets for chilled carcasses has to be considered. EFSA recommends that the type and number of samples to be tested should be representative enough and adequate in number to cover the potential variability in the distribution of the microbial hazards on the surface of the carcass before and after singeing.


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