
2019第五届IFS 中国主题日成功举办,聚焦食品安全保障方案

   2019-03-29 中国食品报道 邱德生37540
核心提示:2019 The 5th IFS China Focus Day Successfully heldIFS (International Featured Standards) 国际卓越标准是食品行业盛行的国

2019 The 5th IFS China Focus Day Successfully held



IFS (International Featured Standards) 国际卓越标准是食品行业盛行的国际标准之一,为了推动其在中国的发展,促进国内食品行业交流与合作,2019年3月28日, IFS标准机构在上海举办了“第五届IFS中国主题日”活动。200余位来自国内外食品行业的专家和决策管理层齐聚上海出席了本次会议,让食品行业的利益相关方有机会对IFS标准增进了解,同时也提供了一个交流平台。

On March 28, 2019, IFS Standards Institution (hereinafter referred to as IFS) held the 5th IFS China Focus Day in Shanghai. More than 200 experts and professors gathered in this conference, offering stakeholders in food industry an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the IFS standards.


Government officers, academia experts and industry leaders shared their experience in the food industry on a variety of topics. Participants learned more about the dynamics of the food industry both at home and abroad and were well aware of the good practices of food industry leaders.



This event was organized by IFS, co-organized by IQC (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd, and won the strong support of Standards Foods,Ecolab,Mettler-Toledo,SGS.


大会的第一个环节:食品安全政策,法规和标准的变化,由沃尔玛食品安全协作中心执行主任严志农博士主持。首先由IFS总经理Stephan TROMP先生致开幕词,他在开幕词中感谢各位嘉宾的到来,同时介绍了IFS的发展及标准的最新变化。

The Chapter 1: Updates of Policies, Regulations and Standards of Food Safety IFS General Manager is hosted by Dr. Zhinong YAN, Walmart Food Safety Collaboration Center Executive Director. First IFS GM Mr. Stephan TROMP give the opening speech, he thanked the distinguished guests in the opening speech and introduced the latest changes in the development of IFS standards of IFS.




Next, we were honored to have Hao Weimin from Shanghai Customs to share HACCP and food safety supervision and application in Chinese food companies.




Vice-Secretary General of CCFA Mr. Dong CHU discussed the consumption safety and quality as the first topic, and discussed the “China Chain Storey Association Food Safety Development Plan 2016-2020”, and advocated the whole industry as the center of consumer health. Taking trust consumption as the common value and comprehensively improving the quality of goods and services in the chain operation industry.



Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine Natinal Food Safety HACCP Application Research Center Dr. Jiyang LUO described the formation mechanism and prevention of non-traditional food safety risks from a more professional perspective.



IFS was one of the earliest standards recognized by GFSI. Mr. Che Wenyi, the Chief Advisor of Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) China Local Group, shared the work of GFSI and the China Working Group in China and in-depth cooperation with IFS standards.


接下来,由IFS总经理Stephan TROMP先生给IFS中国技术工作组成员颁发聘书,感谢他们在中国对IFS标准发展做出的贡献。

Then IFS GM Mr. Stephan TROMP gave a letter of appointment to the members of the IFS China Technical Working Group, thanking them for their contributions to the development of IFS standards in China.



After coffee break, it is the Chapter 2: Changes on Market Requirements. McD VP Mr. Fang WANG, Metro QA GM Mr. Chao CHEN and Quality Management leader of JD 7FRESH Risk Management Ms. Li WEN shared the topics of how to establish food safety confidence, food safety and quality improvement under technology empowerment.


上午的最后一个环节是零售终端座谈-如何应对新形势下的食品安全挑战。讨论由上海布新商务信息咨询有限公司总经理江新女士主持,历德香港 - 食品安全和质检经理Cristian Pillon,三只松鼠股份有限公司质量总经理朱奕,美团点评集团食品安全总监卢扬,家乐福全国食品安全与质量总监马国维,顶新国际集团便利餐饮连锁事业食品安全与安心办公室刘成章博士参加了讨论。大家介绍了不同形式的零售终端在新形势下,应对食品安全挑战所做出的巨大努力,同时还对参会嘉宾感兴趣的问题做出了解答。

The last part in the morning is the Retail Channel Panel Discussion- How to cope with food safety challenge under new environment. Shanghai Booksim Consultant GM Ms. Judy Jiang host it. LIDL Hong Kong, Food Safety & QA Manager, Cristian Pillon, Three Squirrels Inc.,  Quality GM, Steven ZHU, Director of food safety of Meituan Group, Yang LU, Carrefour, National Food Safety and Quality Director,  Hervé MARTIN, Ting Hsin International Group, Food Safety & Technology Innovation Office,  Convenient Store & Chain Restaurant Business, Dr. Jason LIU join the discussion. Everyone introduced different forms of retail terminals and made great efforts to address food safety challenges in a new form. At the same time, he also answered questions from guests.


下午的会议由上海交通大学岳进教授主持。第三个环节是全产业共同协作,打造安全供应链。TAFS主席和创始人Ulrich Kihm博士,佳格投资(中国)有限公司质量总监迟华忠先生,星巴克中国供应商质量管理总监吴炜菁女士,通标标准技术服务(上海)有限公司中港区IFS产品经理谢慧女士,分别从产业链的不同环节,探讨了如何打造安全的供应链,保障人们的食品安全。

In the afternoon, the meeting is hosted by Prof. Jin YUE from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The Carpet 3: Collaboration in whole supply Chain. TAFS President, Founder, Dr. Ulrich Kihm, tandard Foods Group (China) Quality Managing Director, Mr. HuaZhong CHI, Starbucks China SQA Director Ms. Bessie WU, SGS-CSTC IFS Product Manager Ms. Lisa XIE, from different aspects of the industrial chain, discussed how to build a safe supply chain and ensure people's food safety.



Chapter 4 : Technique Solution. First is the publish ceremony of IFS Foreign Body Management Guideline. This book jointly published by METTLER TOLEDO and IFS Asia. Mettler Toledo Product Inspection Division Product Manager Mr. Jianchun HUANG, Ecolab, Greater China, Food & Beverage, Food Safety Associate Director Dr. Youkai LU, Tracing Cloud Information Development Co., Ltd Vice GM, Mr. Baicheng LIAO, IQC Consulting Co., Ltd Dr. Reinhard KAPPEL, From the effective foreign body detection mechanism, good process control, blockchain & big data in food safety, food safety promotion consulting, etc., provide different types of technical solutions for food production, processing and retail companies.


下午的讨论主题是全链条的国际标准助力企业提升,主持人是百事大中华区质量保证总监姚晖女士。GMP+国际组织中国区代表Berry WANG ,TAFS主席和创始人Ulrich Kihm博士,GLOBAL G.A.P. 中国首席代表周鑫,IFS 中国培训师汪伟伟博士,君乐宝乳业集团质量管理中心总经理助理米志英女士参加了讨论。大家就国际标准对食品生产及食品安全的助力作用发表了看法。

Afternoon Panel Discussion is International Standards of Whole Food Chain Enable Enterprise to Improve. This part is hosted by Ms. Heidi Yao from QA Director Pepsico China. GMP+ China Representative, Berry WANG, TAFS President, Founder, Dr. Ulrich Kihm, GLOBAL G.A.P. China Representative, Xin ZHOU, IFS trainer Dr. Weiwei WANG, Quality Management Center General Manager Assistant of Jun Le Bao Dairy Group Mi Zhiying join the discussion. Everyone expressed their views on the role of international standards in food production and food safety.

大会最后,由IFS 亚太区办公室负责人熊传武博士致闭幕辞,沃尔玛食品安全协作中心执行主任严志农博士为大会赋诗一首。至此,第五届IFS中国主题日圆满落下帷幕。

At the end of the meeting, IFS Asia Office leader Dr. Chuanwu XIONG give the closing. Dr. Zhinong YAN, Walmart Food Safety Collaboration Center Executive Director gave a poem to the conference. The 5th IFS China Focus day successfully ended.



















Striving for the greatest


We are facing changing,

There are many many challenging,

We live in a great era,

We must be embracing!

Seeking the highest standard,

Working hard for improving,

The more we are investing,

The better we will be gaining!


Striving for the best!


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