
SOR/82-186 马铃薯生产和销售法令(Potato Production and Sale (Central Saanich) Restriction Regulations)

2011-10-17 中国食品网 中食网 508 0

  Potato Production and Sale (Central Saanich) Restriction Regulations



  Regulations Providing for the Restricting of Property Located in the Municipality of Central Saanich in the Province of British Columbia that is Infested with the Golden Nematode from the Production of Potatoes and Prohibiting the Sale of Potatoes Produced Therein that Are Infested with the Golden Nematode

  P.C. 1982-295 1982-01-28

  His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Agriculture, pursuant to section 4 of the Plant Quarantine Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations providing for the restricting of property located in the municipality of Central Saanich in the Province of British Columbia that is infested with the golden nematode from the production of potatoes and prohibiting the sale of potatoes produced therein that are infested with the golden nematode.


  1. These Regulations may be cited as the Potato Production and Sale (Central Saanich) Restriction Regulations.


  2. In these Regulations, “sale” includes offering or exposing for sale, displaying or advertising for sale, having in possession for sale, bartering, exchanging, disposing for consideration and distributing.


  3. (1) Subject to subsection (3), no person shall

  (a) seed, plant, grow, produce or harvest any potatoes, or

  (b) sell or dispose of any potatoes seeded, planted, grown, produced or harvested

  in that portion of the Municipality of Central Saanich in the Province of British Columbia east of the West Saanich Road.

  (2) [Revoked, SOR/83-294, s. 1]

  (3) Subsection (1) does not apply to any person who seeds, plants, grows, produces or harvests potatoes for his own consumption if

  (a) the potatoes are consumed within the limits of the property on which they were harvested; and

  (b) the property on which the potatoes were seeded, planted, grown, produced or harvested was not used, at any time prior to the coming into force of these Regulations, for the production of potatoes for sale.

  SOR/82-612, s. 1(F);SOR/83-294, s. 1.


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