
§175.210 丙烯酸酯共聚物涂料(Acrylate ester copolymer coating)

2011-09-27 中国食品网 中食网 1086 0

   §175.210 Acrylate ester copolymer coating.

   Acrylate ester copolymer coating may safely be used as a food-contact surface of articles intended for packaging and holding food, including heating of prepared food, subject to the provisions of this section:

  (a) The acrylate ester copolymer is a fully polymerized copolymer of ethyl acrylate, methyl methacrylate, and methacrylic acid applied in emulsion form to molded virgin fiber and heat-cured to an insoluble resin.

  (b) Optional substances used in the preparation of the polymer and in the preparation and application of the emulsion may include substances named in this paragraph, in an amount not to exceed that required to accomplish the desired technical effect and subject to any limitation prescribed: Provided, however, That any substance named in this paragraph and covered by a specific regulation in subchapter B of this chapter must meet any specifications in such regulation.

List of substances Limitations
Aluminum stearate
Ammonium lauryl sulfate
Borax Not to exceed the amount required as a preservative in emulsion defoamer.
Disodium hydrogen phosphate Do.
Glyceryl monostearate
Methyl cellulose
Mineral oil
Paraffin wax
Potassium hydroxide
Potassium persulfate
Tetrasodium pyrophosphate
Titanium dioxide

   (c) The coating in the form in which it contacts food meets the following tests:

  (1) An appropriate sample when exposed to distilled water at 212 °F for 30 minutes shall yield total chloroform-soluble extractables not to exceed 0.5 milligram per square inch.

  (2) An appropriate sample when exposed to n- heptane at 120 °F for 30 minutes shall yield total chloroform-soluble extractables not to exceed 0.5 milligram per square inch.


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