
SR 2002/396 食品(安全)条例2002 (Food (Safety) Regulations 2002)

2011-09-16 中国食品网 中食网 1495 0

  1 Title

  These regulations are the Food (Safety) Regulations 2002.

  2 Commencement

  These regulations come into force on 20 December 2002.

  3 Interpretation

  (1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,—

  Act means the Food Act 1981

  alcohol means ethanol

  article means an appliance, container, or vessel

  canned food means food that—

  (a) is processed and packaged in accordance with good manufacturing practice; and

  (b) is packed in clean containers that are hermetically sealed; and

  (c) is processed by heat to ensure preservation, whether before or after being sealed in a container

  container, in relation to any food, means a package or other container in which the food is in, or is likely to come into direct contact with

  designated officer—

  (a) means an officer within the meaning of the Act who is for the time being designated by the Director-General for the purposes of these regulations; and

  (b) includes the Director within the meaning of the Act

  Food Standards Code means the code incorporated into New Zealand law by the New Zealand (Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code) Food Standards 2002 and issued by the Minister under section 11C of the Food Act 1981

  fruit wine means the product of the alcoholic fermentation of the juice, or of the juice and other portions, of any fruit except grapes

  low-acid food means—

  (a) any food, other than an alcoholic beverage, where any component has a pH value greater than 4.6 after heat processing, and a water activity greater than 0.85; but

  (b) does not include food in hermetically sealed containers that is required to be stored under refrigeration

  mead means the product of the alcoholic fermentation of honey mixed with water or fruit juice or both, with or without the addition of spices

  muttonbird means a member of the species Puffinus griseus (sooty shearwater), Puffinus tenuirostris (short-tailed shearwater), or Pterodroma macropiera (grey-faced petrel)

  off-licence means premises described in section 36(1)(d)(i) or (ii) of the Sale of Liquor Act 1989 in respect of which an off-licence has been granted under that Act

  sparkling fruit wine means fruit wine that is surcharged with carbon dioxide

  sparkling wine means wine that is surcharged with carbon dioxide

  wine means the product of the partial or complete alcoholic fermentation of any or all of the following:

  (a) grape juice:

  (b) grape juice and other portions of grapes:

  (c) the reconstituted product of concentrated grape juice and water.

  (2) Any term or expression that is defined in the Act and used, but not defined, in these regulations has the same meaning as in the Act.

  Regulation 3(1) off-licence: substituted, on 25 March 2004, by regulation 3 of the Food (Safety) Amendment Regulations 2004 (SR 2004/18)。

  Regulation 3(1) shellfish: revoked, on 1 June 2006, by regulation 61(a) of the Animal Products (Regulated Control Scheme—Bivalve Molluscan Shellfish) Regulations 2006 (SR 2006/38)。

  4 ExpiryRegulations 24 and 26 expire on 30 October 2012.

  Regulation 4: substituted, on 25 October 2007, by regulation 4 of the Food (Safety) Amendment Regulations 2007 (SR 2007/290)。

  ApplicationNothing in these regulations applies in respect of any food that is a related product within the meaning of the Medicines Act 1981.

  Compare: SR 1984/262 r 273

  Part 1

  General provisions relating to food safety

6 Misuse of food containers

7 Safety of articles

8 Identification of articles

9 Labels on bottles containing food

  Infected persons and food

 10 Infected persons

11 Persons in contact with infected person

12 Powers of Medical Officer of Health and designated officer in respect of infected food

  Low-acid canned food

13 Manufacture of low-acid canned food must be supervised

14 Manufacture of low-acid canned food must comply with code

15 Powers of designated officer in respect of low-acid canned food

  Provisions relating to certain foods and articles

16 Sale of muttonbird

17 Brands for packages of muttonbird

18 Sale of shellfish [Revoked]

19 Contaminated shellfish [Revoked]

20 Wine

21 Importation of enamelware and ceramicware [Revoked]


22 Appeals

23 Offences and penalties

  Part 2

  Specific permissions

24 Fluoridated water

25 Sale of artificial drinks [Revoked]

26 Sale of hemp seed oil as food

  Part 3


27 Analyst's certificate and fees

28 Revocation

Schedule 1

  Tests for enamelware and ceramicware articles


Schedule 2

  Analyst's certificate under Food Act 1981

Gazette information

Reprint notes


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