
SR 2002/396 食品(安全)条例2002— 26 大麻籽油食品的销售(Food (Safety) Regulations 2002—Sale of hemp seed oil as food)

2011-09-16 中国食品网 中食网 1082 0

  26 Sale of hemp seed oil as food(1) Despite standard 1.4.4 of the Food Standards Code, oil extracted from hemp seed may be sold as food in New Zealand if it complies with the requirements set out in subclause (2).

  (2) The requirements are,—

  (a) in the case of hemp seed oil that is produced in New Zealand, the hemp seed oil is derived from cannabis seed from plants that are grown in New Zealand under and in accordance with any conditions attached to a licence to cultivate industrial hemp issued by the Director-General of the Ministry of Health:

  (b) in the case of hemp seed oil that is imported into New Zealand, the hemp seed oil has been tested by an analyst working in a laboratory approved under theMisuse of Drugs Act 1975and has been authorised for sale and use.


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