
C.R.C., c. 194 安大略省新鲜葡萄法令(Ontario Fresh Grape Order)

2011-09-07 中国食品网 中食网 617 0

  Ontario Fresh Grape Order

  C.R.C., c. 194


  Order Granting Authority to Regulate the Marketing in Interprovincial and Export Trade of Fresh Grapes Produced in Ontario


  1. This Order may be cited as the Ontario Fresh Grape Order.


  2. In this Order,

  “Act” means The Farm Products Marketing Act of Ontario; (Loi)

  “Board” means The Farm Products Marketing Board of Ontario, established pursuant to the Act; (Régie)

  “Commodity Board” means The Ontario Fresh Grape Growers' Marketing Board, established pursuant to the Act; (Office de commercialisation)

  “fresh grapes” means grapes produced in Ontario other than grapes that are used by a processor for processing; (raisin frais)

  “Plan” means any plan for the marketing of fresh grapes, established and amended from time to time pursuant to the Act, and any regulations made pursuant to the Act to give effect to the Plan; (Plan)

  “processing” means the manufacture of grape products or juice, beverage, spirits or wine from grapes and includes bottling, distilling or fermenting with sugar or sulphur dioxide or any other chemical. (transformation)


  3. The Board and the Commodity Board are each authorized to regulate the marketing of fresh grapes in interprovincial and export trade and for such purposes may, with respect to persons and property situated within the Province of Ontario, exercise all or any powers like the powers exercisable by each of them in relation to the marketing of fresh grapes locally within that Province under the Act and the Plan.

  SOR/86-326, s. 1.


  4. The Commodity Board is authorized,

  (a) [Repealed, SOR/80-90]

  (b) in relation to the powers granted to it by section 3 with respect to the marketing of fresh grapes in interprovincial and export trade,

  to make orders fixing, imposing and collecting levies or charges from persons situated in the Province of Ontario who are engaged in the production or marketing of fresh grapes, and for such purpose to classify such persons into groups and fix the levies or charges payable by the members of the different groups in different amounts, and the Commodity Board may use such levies or charges for its purposes, including the creation of reserves, and the payment of expenses and losses resulting from the sale or disposal of fresh grapes and the equalization or adjustment among producers of fresh grapes of moneys realized from the sale thereof during such period or periods of time as it may determine.


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