
SOR/92-478 食品研究和发展中心费用法令(Food Research and Development Centre Fees Order)

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  Food Research and Development Centre Fees Order



  Registration 1992-07-30

  Order Prescribing the Fees to be Paid by Any User to Whom Technical Assistance Services or the Use of Research and Development Facilities Are Provided by the Food Research and Development Centre of the Department of Agriculture at Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec

  The Minister of Agriculture, pursuant to Order in Council P.C. 1992-1740 of July 30, 1992a and paragraph 19(1)(b) of the Financial Administration Act, hereby makes the annexed Order prescribing the fees to be paid by any user to whom technical assistance services or the use of research and development facilities are provided by the Food Research and Development Centre of the Department of Agriculture at Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, effective September 1, 1992.

  aSI/92-147, 1992 Canada Gazette Part II, p. 3504

  Ottawa, July 30, 1992


  Minister of Agriculture


  1. This Order may be cited as the Food Research and Development Centre Fees Order.


  2. In this Order,

  “Centre” means the Food Research and Development Centre of the Department of Agriculture at Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec; (Centre)

  “Centre personnel” means development assistants, research assistants, scientific professionals and scientific researchers; (personnel du Centre)

  “cycle”, in respect of a permeability test, means the maximum number of samples that can be tested simultaneously on the instrument; (cycle)

  “first day of rest”, in respect of a member of the Centre personnel, means the day that begins immediately after midnight of the day on which the member worked the member’s last normal work day; (premier jour de repos)

  “normal work day” means a work day of 7.5 hours, not including Saturdays and holidays; (jour ouvrable)

  “overtime work” means work performed by Centre personnel, other than scientific researchers, outside a normal work day; (travail supplémentaire)

  “permeability test” means a test made to test the permeability of materials used for packaging food; (essai de perméabilité)

  “second day of rest” means the day that begins immediately after midnight of the first day of rest or immediately after midnight of a paid holiday where the first day of rest is immediately followed by a paid holiday; (deuxième jour de repos)

  “user” means a person to whom technical assistance services or the use of research facilities is provided by the Centre. (usager)


  3. (1) Subject to subsection (2) and section 5, a user shall pay the following fee for the use of the Centre’s research and development facilities calculated on a per hour or part thereof basis:

  (a) for the period beginning on September 1, 1992 and ending on August 31, 1993, $10.50;

  (b) for the period beginning on September 1, 1993 and ending on August 31, 1994, $21.00;

  (c) for the period beginning on September 1, 1994 and ending on August 31, 1995, $31.50;

  (d) after August 31, 1995, $42.00.

  (2) A user shall be subject to a minimum fee for the use of the Centre’s research and development facilities calculated on the basis of a period of 4 hours.

  4. Subject to section 5, a user shall pay for the services of a member of the Centre personnel set out in column II of an item of Schedule I during the period of time set out in column I of that item the fee calculated on a per hour or part thereof basis, in accordance with the rate set out in column III of that item.

  5. A user shall pay for each hour of overtime work, the following fee:

  (a) on a day that is a normal work day,

  (i) for the first 7.5 hours of overtime, 1.5 times the applicable rate set out in column III of an item of Schedule I,

  (ii) for the next 9 hours of overtime, 2 times the applicable rate set out in column III of an item of Schedule I;

  (b) on a first day of rest,

  (i) for the first 7.5 hours of overtime, 1.5 times the applicable rate set out in column III of an item of Schedule I, and

  (ii) for the next 16.5 hours of overtime, 2 times the applicable rate set out in column III of an item of Schedule I; and

  (c) for a second day of rest and any subsequent day of rest, 2 times the applicable rate set out in column III of an item of Schedule I.

  6. A user shall pay for a permeability test the fee calculated in accordance with Schedule II.


  (Sections 4 and 5)

  Column I Column II Column III

  Item Period of Time Centre Personnel Rate

  1. September 1, 1992 to August 31, 1993 (a) scientific researcher

  $ 15.75

  (b) scientific professional


  (c) research assistant


  (d) development assistant


  2. September 1, 1993 to August 31, 1994 (a) scientific researcher


  (b) scientific professional


  (c) research assistant


  (d) development assistant


  3. September 1, 1994 to August 31, 1995 (a) scientific researcher


  (b) scientific professional


  (c) research assistant


  (d) development assistant


  4. After August 31, 1995 (a) scientific researcher


  (b) scientific professional


  (c) research assistant


  (d) development assistant



  (Section 6)

  The fee payable by a user for a permeability test shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula:

  Fee = [AxB] + [CxD] + E


  “A” is the number of cycles required to test all the samples.

  “B” is the basic rate for a cycle, which rate is

  (a) $398, in the case of a film, or

  (b) $1,013, in the case of a rigid container,

  “C” is the number of samples,

  “D” is the basic rate for a sample, which rate is

  (a) $43, in the case of a film, or

  (b) $103, in the case of a rigid container,

  “E” is a base amount of $60 for data analysis and preparation of a report.


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