
SR 2007/131 动物产品(乳制品加工业的费用及收费)条例2007(Animal Products (Dairy Industry Fees and Charges) Regulations 2

2011-08-28 中国食品网 中食网 1097 0

  Animal Products (Dairy Industry Fees and Charges) Regulations 2007

  (SR 2007/131)

  1 Title

  These regulations are the Animal Products (Dairy Industry Fees and Charges) Regulations 2007.

  2 Commencement

  These regulations come into force on 1 July 2007.

  3 Application

  (1) The fees set out in the Schedule apply only in relation to—

  (a) dairy processing operations or premises; and

  (b) the export of dairy material or dairy product.

  (2) These regulations do not apply in respect of matters for which a separate fee is charged under the Animal Products(Fees,Charges, and Levies) Regulations 2007.

  4 Fees

  (1) The fees set out in the Schedule are payable in respect of the dairy-related matters to which they relate.

  (2) The fees are inclusive of goods and services tax.

  5 Revocation

  The Animal Products (Dairy Industry Fees and Charges) Regulations 2005 (SR 2005/105) are revoked.


  Dairy industry fees

  Part 1

  Fixed fees

  Schedule Part 1 heading: inserted, on 1 January 2009, by regulation 4(1) of the Animal Products (Dairy Industry Fees and Charges)

Amendment Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/377)。

Service area Type of fee Fee When fee payable and by whom
Standards setting
Development and maintenance of standards Quarterly fee $395,378 Payable by Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited on 1 July, 1 October, 1 January, and 1 April
Quarterly fee $4,291 Payable by Westland Co-operative Dairy Company Limited on 1 July, 1 October, 1 January, and 1 April
Quarterly fee $1,376 Payable by Tatua Co-operative Dairy Company Limited on 1 July, 1 October, 1 January, and 1 April
Quarterly fee $242 Payable by Dairy Goat Co-operative (N.Z.) Limited on 1 July, 1 October, 1 January, and 1 April
Quarterly fee $1,700 Payable by Open Country Cheese Limited on 1 July, 1 October, 1 January, and 1 April
Annual fee $430 for each registered manufacturing premises receiving less than 316 000 kg of raw milk solids Payable by the registrant on 1 July each year
Development and maintenance of market access standards and programme Quarterly fee $129,800 Payable by Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited on 1 July, 1 October, 1 January, and 1 April
Annual fee when first registered $345 for each exporter first registered in July, August, or September Payable by the applicant on application for registration for the year commencing 1 July in the year of registration and ending on 30 June the following year
$259 for each exporter first registered in October, November, or December Payable by the applicant on application for registration for the year commencing 1 July in the year of registration and ending on 30 June the following year
$173 for each exporter first registered in January, February, or March Payable by the applicant on application for the year commencing 1 July of the year immediately before registration and ending on 30 June in the year of registration
$86 for each exporter first registered in April, May, or June Payable by the applicant on application for registration for the year commencing 1 July of the year immediately before registration and ending on 30 June in the year of registration
Annual fee $345 for each exporter Payable by the registrant on 1 July each year
Application for, evaluation of, and approval or variation of risk management programmes and quota compliance programmes Application for approval fee $137.25 per application plus $137.25 per hour in excess of 1 hour processing application $137.25 payable by the applicant on application for approval and any remainder payable within 1 month of the granting or refusal to grant approval
Disbursements Actual cost
Application for, evaluation of, and approval or variation of approval of laboratories Application for approval fee $137.25 per application plus $137.25 per hour in excess of 1 hour processing application $137.25 payable by the applicant on application for approval and any remainder payable within 1 month of the granting or refusal to grant approval
Disbursements Actual cost
Application for, evaluation of, and approval or variation of codes of practice Application for approval fee $134 per application plus $134 per hour in excess of 1 hour considering application $134 payable by the applicant on application for approval and any remainder payable within 1 month of the granting or refusal to grant approval
Disbursements Actual cost
Application for, evaluation of, and recognition, variation, or renewal of agency or person as recognised agency or recognised person under Part 8 of the Animal Products Act 1999 Application for recognition fee $137.25 per application plus $137.25 per hour in excess of 1 hour processing application $137.25 payable by the applicant on application for recognition and any remainder payable within 1 month of granting or refusal to grant recognition
Disbursements Actual cost
Sanitisers and detergents Application for approval fee $374.62 per approval Payable by the applicant on application for approval
Market access functions
Application of market access functions Application fee $184.50 per application plus $184.50 per hour in excess of 1 hour considering application $184.50 payable by the applicant on application and any remainder payable within 1 month of provision of notice
Disbursements Actual cost
Compliance and monitoring
Dairy residue monitoring programme Quarterly fee $323,155 Payable by Fonterra Co-operative Dairy Limited on 1 July, 1 October, 1 January, and 1 April
Annual fee when first registered $407 for each exporter first registered in July, August, or September Payable by the applicant on application for registration for the year commencing 1 July in the year of registration and ending on 30 June the following year
$305 for each exporter first registered in October, November, or December Payable by the applicant on application for registration for the year commencing 1 July in the year of registration and ending on 30 June the following year
$204 for each exporter first registered in January, February, or March Payable by the applicant on application for the year commencing 1 July of the year immediately before registration and ending on 30 June in the year of registration
$102 for each exporter first registered in April, May, or June Payable by the applicant on application for registration for the year commencing 1 July of the year immediately before registration and ending on 30 June in the year of registration
Annual fee $407 for each exporter Payable by the registrant on 1 July
Performance monitoring Quarterly fee $101,291 Payable by Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited on 1 July, 1 October, 1 January, and 1 April
Quarterly fee $3,023 Payable by Westland Co-operative Dairy Company Limited on 1 July, 1 October, 1 January, and 1 April
Quarterly fee $930 Payable by Tatua Co-operative Dairy Company Limited on 1 July, 1 October, 1 January, and 1 April
Quarterly fee $116 Payable by Dairy Goat Co-operative (N.Z.) Limited on 1 July, 1 October, 1 January, and 1 April
Quarterly fee $1,163 Payable by Open Country Cheese Limited on 1 July, 1 October, 1 January, and 1 April
Annual fee $119 for each registered manufacturing premises receiving less than 316 000 kg of raw milk solids Payable by the applicant on 1 July each year
Verification inspection and audits Inspection and audit fee $184.50 per hour Payable by occupier of the premises subject to verification inspection and audits
Disbursements Actual cost
Application for product disposition Application fee $184.50 per application plus $184.50 per hour in excess of 1 hour considering application $184.50 payable by the applicant on application and any remainder payable within 1 month of granting or refusal to grant approval
Disbursements Actual cost
Official assurances
Issue of official assurance Issue fee $137.25 per hour or part hour Applicant
Disbursements Actual cost
Exporter registration
Application for registration or renewal of registration Application fee $137.25 per application plus $137.25 per hour in excess of 1 hour processing application $137.25 payable by the applicant and any remainder payable within 1 month of granting or refusal to grant approval

   Part 2

  Fee for services of certification and reconciliation

  Schedule Part 2: added, on 1 January 2009, by regulation 4(3) of the Animal Products (Dairy Industry Fees and Charges) Amendment Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/377).

  1 Quarterly fee payable by holder of export licence(1) A fee is payable for services of certification and reconciliation provided by the New Zealand Food Safety Authority in relation to the regulated control scheme described in regulation 3 of the Animal Products (Regulated Control Scheme—Dairy Export Quota Products) Regulations 2008 (services).

  (2) The holder of an export licence on 1 July, 1 October, 1 January, or 1 April must pay the fee on that date (payment date).

  (3) The fee is calculated as follows:

amount to recover for year is the amount, as determined by the New Zealand Food Safety Authority, that needs to be recovered to fund the services in relation to all holders of export licences for the financial year in which the payment date falls (inclusive of goods and services tax)
holder's allocated quantity is the total quantity (in tonnes) of all products in all designated markets for which the holder holds an export licence on the payment date
total allocated quantity is the total quantity (in tonnes) of all products in all designated markets for which all holders hold export licences on the payment date.

  InterpretationIn this schedule, designated market, export licence, and holder have the same meaning as in section 5(1) of the Dairy Industry Restructuring Act 2001.

  Diane Morcom,

  Clerk of the Executive Council.


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