
§73.170 食品着色剂葡萄皮提取物(脱糖葡萄花青素)(Grape skin extract (enocianina))

2011-07-30 中国食品网 中食网 882 0


更多关于美国 FDA 21 CFR 第 73 部分的内容,请详见美国FDA 21 CFR 第73部分关于免除产品证书的食品用着色剂种类汇总

  § 73.170 Grape skin extract (enocianina).

  (a) Identity. (1) The color additive grape skin extract (enocianina) is a purplish-red liquid prepared by the aqueous extraction (steeping) of the fresh deseeded marc remaining after grapes have been pressed to produce grape juice or wine. It contains the common components of grape juice; namely, anthocyanins, tartaric acid, tannins, sugars, minerals, etc., but not in the same proportions as found in grape juice. During the steeping process, sulphur dioxide is added and most of the extracted sugars are fermented to alcohol. The extract is concentrated by vacuum evaporation, during which practically all of the alcohol is removed. A small amount of sulphur dioxide may be present.

  (2) Color additive mixtures for food use made with grape skin extract (enocianina) may contain only those diluents listed in this subpart as safe and suitable in color additive mixtures for coloring foods.

  (b) Specifications. Grape skin extract (enocianina) shall conform to the following specifications:

  Pesticide residues, not more than permitted in or on grapes by regulations promulgated under section 408 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

  Lead (as Pb), not more than 10 parts per million.

  Arsenic (as As), not more than 1 part per million.

  (c) Uses and restrictions. Grape skin extract (enocianina) may be safely used for the coloring of still and carbonated drinks and ades, beverage bases, and alcoholic beverages subject to the following restrictions:

  (1) It may not be used to color foods for which standards of identity have been promulgated under section 401 of the act unless artificial color is authorized by such standards.

  (2) Its use in alcoholic beverages shall be in accordance with the provisions of parts 4 and 5, title 27 CFR.

  (d) Labeling requirements. The label of the color additive and any mixtures prepared therefrom intended solely or in part for coloring purposes shall conform to the requirements of §70.25 of this chapter. The common or usual name of the color additive is “grape skin extract” followed, if desired, by “(enocianina)”。

  (e) Exemption from certification. Certification of this color additive is not necessary for the protection of the public health, and therefore batches thereof are exempt from the certification requirements of section 721(c) of the act.

  §73.170 葡萄皮提取物(脱糖葡萄花青素)










  (2)在酒类中的使用,必须符合27 CFR第4和第5部分的规定。




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