
§416.16 SOP记录保持的要求(Recordkeeping requirements)

2011-04-20 中国食品网 中食网 957 0

  § 416.16 Recordkeeping requirements.

  (a) Each official establishment shall maintain daily records sufficient to document the implementation and monitoring of the Sanitation SOP's and any corrective actions taken. The establishment employee(s) specified in the Sanitation SOP's as being responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the procedure(s) specified in the Sanitation SOP's shall authenticate these records with his or her initials and the date.

  (b) Records required by this part may be maintained on computers provided the establishment implements appropriate controls to ensure the integrity of the electronic data.

  (c) Records required by this part shall be maintained for at least 6 months and made accesable available to FSIS. All such records shall be maintained at the official establishment for 48 hours following completion, after which they may be maintained off-site provided such records can be made available to FSIS within 24 hours of request.


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