
§171.7 公正撤销申请(Withdrawal of petition without prejudice)

2011-04-09 中国食品网 中食网 420 0

  § 171.7 Withdrawal of petition without prejudice.

  (a) In some cases the Commissioner will notify the petitioner that the petition, while technically complete, is inadequate to justify the establishment of a regulation or the regulation requested by petitioner. This may be due to the fact that the data are not sufficiently clear or complete. In such cases, the petitioner may withdraw the petition pending its clarification or the obtaining of additional data. This withdrawal will be without prejudice to a future filing. Upon refiling, the time limitation will begin to run anew from the date of refiling.

  (b) At any time before the order provided for in §171.100(a) has been forwarded to the Federal Register for publication, the petitioner may withdraw the petition without prejudice to a future filing. Upon refiling the time limitation will begin to run anew.

  (c) Any petitioner who has a food additive petition pending before the agency and who subsequently submits a premarket notification for a food contact substance (FCN) for a use or uses described in such petition shall be deemed to have withdrawn the petition for such use or uses without prejudice to a future filing on the date the FCN is received by the Food and Drug Administration.

  [42 FR 14489, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 67 FR 35731, May 21, 2002]


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